Alchemia Story Screenshots

These are screenshots from Alchemia Story. I'm not sure what else to say, really.

There are many characters in Alchemia Story. This one is mine.

This is me. You probably know this by now, if you're looking at this page, but it's an okay picture, and... yeah.

This is the Republic of Marlo, IMO one of the most beautiful areas in the game, and one which almost nobody ever visits. :( I've been trying to change that, but so far without a lot of luck.

This is the Valley of Wind. It's a beautiful, but kind of confusing, and challenging, place. Again, you probably know this, but I like the picture. :p

You have to kind of take my word for it, but the person in the pink costume on the end is my bond leader, Serenity.

A few moments after the picture above was taken, things got weird.

This is Serenity when she's not engaging in group sartorial adventures.

Speaking of Serenity, and weirdness, here she is along with Onesight, at the strange "collaboration" event Alchemia Story did with Toram Online.

Six members of the PervyRangers bond, in early August 2019. There are quite a few more members, it's just rare that more than four or five of us are in one spot at the same time...

Another bond gathering, in September or October, I forget which.

This is a random group of people I did the Tower of Time basement with, once upon a time. I'm on the left. The reindeer is Onesight, during one of their Elvis phases.

Another random group of people I did part of the Tower of Time basement with, once. Why the bikinis and swimsuits? As everyone knows, if you're female, the more skin you have showing, the better your armor class.

This green-eyed beauty isn't named jealousy, she merely inspires it. Her name is Momoyo, and she insists, dear visitor, that I "tell (you) im the cutest player in this game", which I fear I must acknowledge as an indisputable truth. She's not a member of the PervyRangers bond, incidentally.

In July 2019, I attended the wedding of... two totally random strangers. Strangers to me, I mean. I assume they knew each other at least a little bit. Anyway, this is them.

This is a really bad picture, but this is what I wore. Notable both for being far and away the girliest thing I've ever worn in this game... and, for a long while, the only picture of me without a hat on.

By comparison, this is what I wore when I sort of kind of accidentally suddenly gay married my Yome. Had I known it was going to happen, we'd have dressed more nicely. C'est la vie.

This is my friend Haedi. Don't let the red eyes scare you; she's actually really nice.

Another friend, named Iblis. She's also actually really nice, and in my bond.

That's it for now. I'll add more eventually, probably, maybe, who knows.

Go back to the main page, maybe?