Hello, World

Hello, world. It's Tatiana, here, your favorite level-90 healer in Alchemia Story, and one of the members of the bond PervyRangers, also sometimes known as Serenity's Messenger Service.

Need messages, materials, or zell delivered? We offer fast, reliable service at very affordable rates, and accept payment in zells, croquettes, mamono flesh, and the body parts of our enemies. Contact your nearest messenger today!

This is still super-duper a work in progress, as I attempt to understand, like, how HTML works.

In addition to being a high-level healer, I am also sometimes a mage, engineer, or reactor, whoo. Quis medicet ipsos medicis? Quis, indeed. Everything that doesn't involve buffs or debuffs I'm pretty much a big round ball of fail at, though.

Have you read the most recent issue of The Marlo Tribune, yet? It was an irregular newspaper of happenings in the world of Alchemia Story that I sadly don't have the time to update lately.

Check out my page on the alphabet, and language, of Alchemia Story here. It's surprisingly interesting!

There's a page on why I make people say 'quack', and other secrets of the Tower of Time Basement, revealed, if that sounds like fun to you.

Want some unorthodox advice for having romantic relationships online? I can help with that.

This is partially my own little corner of the web, but it's also at least theoretically part of a slightly paranoid long-term survival strategy for the PervyRangers bond, and the many friendships I've made in Alchemia Story.

See, in March and April of 2019, the game devs, Asobimo, screwed up their flagship game, Toram Online. That game was offline for weeks, before they eventially restored from backups that were three months old. It didn't directly affect Alchemia Story, though there was an influx of "refugees" from Toram, and a lot of unhappy people with characters in both games. But it was a wake-up call, of sorts, an uncomfortable reminder that the bond, the relationships, and the game world itself are at the mercies of a for-profit company who may not be the world's most philanthropic, or competent, landlord.

Right now, there are no plans to move anywhere, to switch games, or anything like that. But if, Heaven forbid, the game shuts down, in an orderly fashion or otherwise, one of the purposes of this website is to help point bond members and friends to wherever I, and others I know, wind up going. It's not the most efficient way of doing things, but it doesn't require anyone to share personal information the way swapping email addresses or signing up for some kind of instant-messenger service would. Our friendships, our relationships, are no less valuable to me for "only" existing in this strange and beautiful virtual world, and I'd like for them to flourish and grow. (To be fair, I'd also like for you all to manage to spell my name correctly, but I'll take what I can get, lol.)

In the meantime, I don't know, maybe I'll put up some Alchemia Story screenshots, or something, to make this a slighlty less-sad webpage.

Do you knit? Do you know someone who knits? Do you think you (or they) would enjoy owning a really nice knitting-needle gauge labeled in braille? I made one for a friend, and have a bunch extra for sale--click the link for details.